Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An interesting image.

Captured at my apartment in West Lafayette, In. Camera Canon SX30IS.

  The apartment that I was renting, in West Lafayette, faced into a small nature area called Celery Bog. What a wonderful place to live for somebody who loves to watch and photograph wildlife. The day of this photo was a very snowy day and normally I would have been on my way to Indianapolis to be with my wife for the weekend. 

   Celery Bog was slow, so I decided to photography small bird, Wrens, Sparrows and such. I don't normally photography small birds unless they are Woodpeckers, Indigo Buntings, Hummingbirds or the smaller hawks and falcons.  I had been photographing small birds for about two hours when I decided It was time for a break from photographing. I had some chores that needed doing in the apartment

   I was only in the kitchen for about 15 minutes when I noticed a large Red Tailed Hawk in a tree across from the apartment.  The Red Tailed Hawk was watching the small birds that were working over my feeders and the bottom feeders that were working over the leftovers on the ground.  I grabbed the camera placed it on the tripod and started shooting. After the third shot, the Red Tailed Hawk left its perch in the tree and flew off.

   As I reviewed the images I came across this image. At first I thought I had moved the camera and the image was blurred and I almost deleted the image. As I stared at the image, I began to realize the image was not blurred but was instead two Hawks.  What a surprise, I had not seen the second Hawk but then again my field of view was very limited..

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